Auckland On Water Boat Show Special
This is a totally new way to treat for diesel bug, contamination and water as well as conditioning your fuel !
It is guaranteed safe to use and the most effective diesel bug treatment on the market.
Do you have diesel bug in your tank ?
How would you know ?
Have you :
- Blocked filters (with what?) sludge?
- Engine starving for fuel?
- Engine running rough? Missing? Slow to respond?
- Water in filters? ( white liquid in the bottom of the filters)
- Dark colour of the fuel?
- More smoke in the exhaust?
Do you need to clean your injectors ?
Do you need to protect your tank from corrosion ?
FuelRight's unique amine technology optimises engine performance :
Dissolves microbial sludge releasing the bacteria to be burnt away.
Removes water
Neutralises corrosion and forms protective layer on metals.
Protects seals
Optimized fuel atomisation leads to :
- Improved economy
- Cleaner burning
- Cleaner filters
- Reduced emissions
- Improve lubricity
2 x 100 ml FuelRight bottles treats 3,000 litres of diesel.
Phone 0800 777 551 for more information
Find out more here:
Two Pack FuelRight 15K Non-Biocide Diesel Bug Treatment - Treats 3000 litres
AOWBS - 2 x FuelRight 15K Non-Biocide Diesel Bug Treatment 100ml (Treats 3000 litres)
Free Shipping throughout New Zealand